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Since 09/2023 Lecturer & Researcher at the University of Cologne at the Institute for Mathematics Education (tenured with starting day)
10/2020-08/2023 Member of the board of bc:Olpe. June 2022 awarded with the KFW Award Leben for bc:Olpe. Mitglied des Sprecher*innen-Teams von bc:Olpe
08/2019-08/2023 Lecturer & Researcher at the University of Siegen at the Department of Mathematics/Institute for Mathematics Education (day of tenure June 1, 2022)
July 3, 2019 PhD with the dissertation:
(Re-)konstruktion von Erfahrungsbereichen bei Übergängen von einer empirisch-gegenständlichen zu einer formal-abstrakten Auffassung [Re-)constructing domains of experience during transitions from empirical-concrete to formal-abstract belief-systems]" (magna cum laude) 
11/2018-07/2019 Teacher at a high school for the subjects mathematics and physics at the Konrad-Adenauer-Gymnasium in Meckenheim.
12/2015-10/2018 Elected senate member for the academic staff of Faculty IV, University of Siegen
03/2015-10/2018 PhD student at the Institute for Mathematics Education at the University of Siegen (Chair: Prof. Dr. Ingo Witzke)
11/2014-03/2015 Student Assistant at the Institute for Mathematics Education at the University of Siegen (Chair: Prof. Dr. Ingo Witzke)
Oktober 9, 2014 1st State Examination [Graduation] for mathematics and physics in secondary education at the University of Cologne
2011-2014 Student Assistant at the Institute for Mathematics Education at the University of Cologne
2009-2014 Pre-Service teacher student for higher secondary with the subjects mathematics, physics, and philosophy


October 31, 2023

Awarded with the D-BOP prize in the category “Working World 4.0” for the project Authentic-STEM by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science

June 27, 2022

awarded with the KFW Award Leben for bc:Olpe as member of the board of bc:Olpe together with the town of Olpe.

Since June 2022

Fellow of „Smart Qualifiziert: MINT für die digitale Welt [Smart Qualified: STEM for the digital World]“ mit (awarded with 10.000 € by the foundation “Stifterverband”)


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