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Mathematical and computer science based playworlds

ENSO: First orientation in the range of numbers from 0 to 9

Within the ENSO-World, a fundamental comprehension of the range of numbers from 0 to 9 can be acquired. Counters and their movements on rods with balls and on the number way propose action-related exploration of this range of numbers.

Spiral Stairs of Calculation: orientation in the range of numbers from 0 to 19

The Spiral Stairs of Calculation (SSC) are adapted for exploring the structure of numbers from 0 to 19. The principle of "increasing by one" and "decreasing by one" can be experienced playfully through the dealing with the SSC and counters/pieces.

Stellanian Accounting System: Understanding the positional notation system

The three Stellanians Ulla, Tella and Hella (in German: Ella, Zella and Hella) are responsible for the accounting system in their world. The Stellanian currency are star coins. In order to display the credit of star coins and enter changes in balance, they jump on their rung ladders up and down. In doing so, they display credit from 0 star coins to 999 star coins.

Number high-rise: multiplicative connectedness

The Number high-rise consists of ten poles – also called staircases – with a hundred beads each. These are arranged through so called platforms into areas that vary from staircase to staircase in the amount of beads. Within the staircases live wights who can jump from platform to platform. Whenever wights stand on platforms of the same height, they can have a party together. Thus, multiplicative connectedness can be explored with the aid of wight parties.

Dynamic Labyrinths: building paths – changing switches

The Dynamic Labyrinths consist of different bricks by means of which various paths can be built. Assignments for Dynamic Labyrinths range from simple constructions for preschool children to creations of complex calculating machines which can be discussed in primary or secondary schools.

Register Machine

At the University of Cologne, students studying to become teachers (primary school, SEKI, special needs education) get to know the concept of the register machine as part of their mathematics and computer science fundamentals. From a mathematics / computer science educational stand point it is significant that both the register machine and recursion are concepts that are easily understood functional-logically but not predicative-logically.

More information on the register machine